NOTE: The California Air Resources Board ("CARB") and/or the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") does not permit the use of aftermarket emissions-related part(s) that alter the performance of OEM emissions-related devices other than on racing vehicles on closed courses. Check your local laws and manufacturer’s information.
Rapid Bike EVO and Racing kits are now available in a new "Exclusive" kit: a more simple version offered at a very interesting and competitive pricing, strictly dedicated to a specific bike model .
Exclusive models CAN NOT be reprogrammed and installed on a different model and DOES come with USB communication cable.
We are going to add more kits to our USA inventory and please e-mail us if you have a model specific question regarding Rapid Bike Exclusive kit applications and depending on the make, model and availability , if we don't have it in the inventory, it can be ordered and may take up to 4 weeks to receive it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Exclusive kits are ONLY available for a limited select models not for entire line of Rapid Bike kits. PLEASE e-amil us before ordering if you have any questions. info@rapidbike.us
Kit including the Rapid Bike Evo module and the USB cable and model specific wiring harness .
When riding the motorcycle, the self-adaptive feature determines the automatic self-correction of the air/fuel ratio maps: this active management is added up to the pre-set parameters. The adjustments set by Rapid Bike EVO improve the engine efficiency in order to reach the best performance.The self-correction process is set in multipoint technology according to RPM and TPS, for the whole range of the engine working, even when the original RPM limiter is raised (when available).
QUICK SHIFT READY , Race and Evo systems are quick shift ready which means no need to buy additional modules all you need is an RB quick shift sensor.